Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sexy Pose?

Can someone explain to me why female musicians/actresses/reality star hootchies all pose with their mouth slightly open? Is it supposed to be sexy? I hate it. You never see men posing this way. What's so wrong with people smiling? All I ever think is, "Close your mouth - a fly might get in there!"

Friday, April 15, 2011


My love for the adorable Jake Gyllenhaal is well known amongst my friends. First off, he does things like this:

Then manages to be even more adorable by following his Sesame Street visit with a visit to Shalom Street (yes, it is a real thing):

I <3 him.

Monday! Monday!

As a 30 year old woman I shouldn't be as excited as I am for this upcoming Monday and all because Gossip Girl is back! I may be one of the few Dan fans out there - poor Lonely Boy - so this pic might just be for me (but I hope you enjoy):

Missed Opportunity

I went clothes shopping yesterday. This is a picture of what was written on the dressing room mirror.

If only I had a dry-erase marker on me to be able to write BULLTRUE!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It's an important tool. Learn it. Know it. Be able to spot it. If you don't get my sarcasm, you make me feel like this:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Khloe No Seatbelt

I got sucked into the Kardashian family at some point. I thought it was gross that they basically got famous because of a sex tape and large behinds (I do know that their father was a famous lawyer), but then one lazy Sunday there was a marathon of their show and I sat and watched all of it. If I put aside their talentless success, I can really enjoy their shows and subsequent spin offs.

Tonight, Khloe's spin off started, so I recorded it. So far its cute but I had one giant complaint: Khloe doesn't wear a seat belt! Now, I get really annoyed when I see people on tv not wearing a seatbelt while in a car (except on Mad Men). Yes, I know that aren't really driving anywhere and that it is all fake - but this is reality tv. Her husband was wearing his seatbelt. Why wasn't she? First I thought that maybe I just didn't see it but then they showed the preview for the rest of the season and again, no seatbelt! Arg! Seat belts save lives, Khloe - wear yours!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Crazy Rant of the Day

Today there have been a few things that have been bothering me.

The first one is a residual one from last night. It has to do with two things: cheaters and pansies. If you are taking a test or playing trivia at a local bar for a cash prize: Don't Cheat. Cheating sucks. You suck. But, if you cheat and your instructor or trivia host sees it and lets it happen, then they too suck and are a spineless pansy who doesn't have the cojones to speak up and stop you. Now, because of your cheating and their inability to stand up for a non-cheating environment I am angered. Thank you both for screwing over every else. [A little dramatic? Eh, I'm angry.]

The second one has to do with freeloaders at potlucks. If there is a potluck and you don't bring anything or contribute: Don't Eat. Go buy your own lunch somewhere else. Or give whoever hosted the potluck a couple bucks for napkins or drinks. At work, we have potlucks often. Once in awhile someone will forget their dish - I have no issue with them eating -it was an accident. It's the people who are never around when the sign in sheet is going around that conveniently show up in our area when the food is being served. "Oh! I had no idea you were having a potluck!" Ha. Their plate is full before even finishing that lame lie of a sentence. It's the same people that do it each and every time. The side eye I throw them is well earned.

The End.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

Having a giant oatmeal cookie for breakfast is the same as having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, right?

Just tell me yes. It will make me feel better.