Sunday, April 10, 2011

Khloe No Seatbelt

I got sucked into the Kardashian family at some point. I thought it was gross that they basically got famous because of a sex tape and large behinds (I do know that their father was a famous lawyer), but then one lazy Sunday there was a marathon of their show and I sat and watched all of it. If I put aside their talentless success, I can really enjoy their shows and subsequent spin offs.

Tonight, Khloe's spin off started, so I recorded it. So far its cute but I had one giant complaint: Khloe doesn't wear a seat belt! Now, I get really annoyed when I see people on tv not wearing a seatbelt while in a car (except on Mad Men). Yes, I know that aren't really driving anywhere and that it is all fake - but this is reality tv. Her husband was wearing his seatbelt. Why wasn't she? First I thought that maybe I just didn't see it but then they showed the preview for the rest of the season and again, no seatbelt! Arg! Seat belts save lives, Khloe - wear yours!

1 comment:

  1. I recorded it and haven't watched yet. But the no seatbelt thing bothers me too when I see it on TV. Wear your damn seatbelt Khloe! Geez!
