Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bullies and Cowards and Taylor Swift

Most of you have likely encountered bullies in your life. Bullies are terrible. Bullies pick on weaker people because it makes them feel good about themselves.

Bullies don't just exist on the playground. Sadly, you will find them in the workplace as well. Bullies sometimes look like the smartest people around. Don't be fooled. This is just a front.  Now there are some legitimately smart people who have anti social quirks. But I am talking about the folks who bark at everyone, mostly to mask the fact that they don't know much. These barkers will likely not bark at their peers, but instead like to find the lower level folks and yell at them instead.  When an exec gets their jollies by yelling at staff, that's bullying. And that's just poor management.

The important thing to know about bullies is that they are really just cowards in disguise. When you confront them about their actions directly, they don't really know what to do.  They usually deny and "apologize".  But either way, once bullies are confronted, they tend to back down.

If you're being bullied, let someone know. If you see someone getting bullied, stand up for them.

I like to take comfort in  the Taylor Swift  song "Mean": All you are is mean. And a liar. And pathetic. And alone in life. And mean.

Preach it.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dear California

Some people think you're full of hippies and rainbow flags. But other things you brought to my life this week include:

Champagne with pop rocks in it: This was described as an adrenaline rush "Sometimes something explodes in your mouth and sometimes it doesn't." Heh.

A bartender a hipster speakeasy:  You didn't like talking to the girls who thought they were the Kardashians. When they asked where they could score some pot, you said "on the streets". And then you said "you know, it's not legal" and they said "but it's not illegal".  Your disdain for them trying to break the rules melted my heart a little. Also, you had the best brunch suggestion ever.

Golden Gate Park:  I'm not so much "into nature", but not a bad way to spend 6 miles of your time.

Cable Cars:  I don't understand it, but I like it.

Honesty:  There was one honest cab driver who stopped the meter because he was lost and didn't want to overcharge for his mistake. 10 points for honesty, sir.

Napa:  Pretty much all of it.  It's beautiful, people are friendly, and there is wine everywhere.  Who doesn't like that?

Cute Boys:  Dear Chateau Montelena, you have some charming boys who entertained us during the tasting. I appreciate both the banter (Tiger vs. Lance in a game of "Who's more terrible?") and the honesty ("you can drink this cab with a cheeseburger"). And your knowledge of Texas stuff was impressive.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Following Directions

Recently, I almost burned down a hotel room and a friend of mine by lighting a fire in the fireplace. The instructions said "light the bag".  So, I did. The room started filling with smoke and the alarms went off. So, I opened the door to let out the smoke and the alarm stopped, but it was too late. The room was full of smoke.

After airing out the room for a bit, I closed the door and smoke started billowing out into the room again. Hmm...the flue is open, what could be wrong? I called the front desk to let them know of my predicament and the question was "did you leave the door open for 5 minutes while you lit the bag?" No. The instructions just say light. the. bag. Why would I do anything else? "Oh well, just leave the door open till it airs out". So...I should leave the door open, in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere, because I followed instructions? I did for awhile, but eventually closed the door to keep out potential killers. And bugs. And cold air.

At breakfast the next morning, folks were complaining that they smelled smoke all night and didn't have their fireplace on. (Oops). So, I let the morning front desk staff know that my room smells like the inside of a barbeque pit. They asked "did you leave the door open for five minutes?"  I just looked blankly and said "no, I didn't know to do that cause it wasn't on the instructions. And all night, the room smelled like smoke." The response was "you should have kept the door open".

Why bother with instructions if they are wrong? It's like people who cook a turkey for the first time and don't know you have to remove the bag of stuff from the inside. The only way you would know is if you've done it before or if it's in the instructions.I don't think the folks at Butterball would make you feel as dumb as this hotel staff did. Fail.

Oh Beautiful for Gluten Skies

I understand passing food fads. I have tried them all: carbs are good, meat is bad; meat is good, carbs are evil; don't eat eggs, eggs are good fat; have olestra - it's magic, oh wait, you are leaking poo.

However, being gluten free is one I don't get. Some people legitimately have allergies to ...something. Roger that. However, some folks just try new things and then get wildly passionate about them. I was on a flight and the person next to me asked for a bag of nuts. Upon receiving the bag, she inspected it and sighed loudly."This bag of nuts has wheat. That's what's wrong with America."

Wait. THAT'S what's wrong with America? Not an economic crisis, high unemployment rate, our kids not being competitive with other countries? She went on to explain that she doesn't have an allergy, she's just trying no gluten. Then shut up. Maybe that's what's wrong with America. You try a fad and then expect everyone around you to cater to your whims. Not. Interested.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bossy Skirt Part 2

For the most part, I love my job. It's interesting, it's different everyday, and I generally work with great people. However, I'm not sure how, but there have been a handful of people I have run into that don't seem to like to work. 

A work week is 40 hours. There is a lot that can be accomplished in 40 hours. If you were given 40 hours to work on an assignment, it would not be in good form to tell your boss that you could not get it accomplished because you suffered from "time constraints". 

You know what I could do in 40 hours? 

  • Bake 40 cakes. 
  • Watch the Back to the Future trilogy 7 times in a row. 
  • Watch every episode of Man Men. 
  • Read a whole book. A big one.

So why, prey tell, would you not be able to accomplish a single assignment in 40 hours? Because you don't want to. And that is really annoying. If you're bad at work because you don't understand, fine. If you are bad at work because you are lazy or uninterested, it may be time for one of us to find a new job. And I have a helpful hint, it's probably not me. So please do me a favor of shaping up or shipping out.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bitches be Crazy

People throw around the word "bitch" meaning, in general, some rude chick. But there are different types of bitches and they come in all different styles. Here are a few of my recent favorites. Please feel free to add some of your own as well.

1.) The Lazy Bitch - Really? You can't walk 10 feet to return your cart to the appropriate area in the grocery store parking lot?  I hope that karma puts a ding in your perfect, humorously large shiny black SUV, since you put your cart in the empty spot next to you, taking a perfectly good space in a prime location when it's hot as balls outside. 

2.) The Stupid Bitch - If you aren't a theater nerd, you probably aren't aware that there is actually a Phantom of the Opera Part 2.  In the original Phantom, Christine is kidnapped, terrorized, assaulted and psychologically abused by the Phantom.  So, in Part 2, the Phantom writes her an "anonymous" letter and gets her to visit him. This is a classic Lifetime Movie scenario. Why would you go meet the Phantom? He tried to ruin your life, molest you and nearly killed your husband. By all means, this is the perfect gentlemen to introduce your child [er - his child] to.  Idiot.

3.) The Drunk Bitch - Due to recent events, I am not referring to your girlfriend who gets so tipsy at a bar that she rubs her vagina on strangers. No. I'm talking to you, Drunk Bitch, who broke my car.  I understand that you have no license or insurance and don't really care what you did to our cars.  But, do you really want to have killed us? Oh, no? Really? Then DONT FREAKING DRINK AND DRIVE.

4.) The "I had no idea you thought I was being a bitch" Bitch - You are a special breed. The type who espouses that women should be leaders. But, that's just for show. In reality, every woman to you is a threat. Especially if she is younger, prettier, smarter, or somehow, all three. So, you want to take those women who dare to be better than you down. By petty and personal attacks. You are the reason boys don't want us to be in charge of things. You are proof that girls are mean and would rather tear each other down than work together. Well congratulations faux-feminista, you just set us back 100 years. It will be a miracle if they still let us vote this year, much less hold jobs other than homemaker and seamstress. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Really, Patti? Really?

This week for the first time, I watched the Millionaire Matchmaker. And I am officially obsessed with the show since I have watched 10 episodes in the past 5 days. I realize that I am 5 years behind, but I think this show is hilarious and Patti is wise.  However, I am a little unsure about her judgment after what I saw today.

There was this chauvinist pig man who was looking for a woman who would sit at home and have his babies and make tortillas. Patti, quite rightly, is appalled by this, and she wants to introduce him to a friend of hers who can balance work and family. And he introduces her to....Tori Spelling?

Now, I'm not a hater, but Tori Spelling isn't really the classic working mom. I mean, her Dad created a media empire and produced the majority of TV shows that have resonated with me in life. I love Tori...see "Mother May I Sleep With Danger", but really, you couldn't find a working mom that doesn't have a billion dollars?

On another note, Patti has all of these rules about dating. One of them is "no sex without monogamy".  So, she asks the group to answer the question "no sex without..." and all the girls scream "condoms".  Patti and I both looked disappointed.  Sigh.