Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hail to the Nanny!

Those of you who know me know that I have an unnatural affection for the TV show, "The Nanny".   Some people think Fran Drescher's voice is annoying, but I, for one, find it soothing enough to fall asleep to.

Ms. Drescher has a local talk show in New York and is getting a syndicated nationwide show in the fall. (Called "Tawk Show".)  She recently announced that she is frustrated with the progress the President has been making and thinks she may want to parlay her show into a run for political office.

Oh Fran, we're kindred spirits.

I also have things to say and could use a TV show.  I also am "the lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan". And I also think that, given the chance, I could be a better politician than some of the folks we currently have in office.

I will offer one piece of advice for you, though. During a recent interview, Fran talked about what her show would be about. She said “I’m going to talk about women who were raped because I was raped, also vegans and whether or not that’s a good thing. I’m not a vegan, but I’m curious about it...”   Oh Fran, those things are not the same. I love a good non sequiter, but let's work on your talking points.

Regardless of the quotes, I'm on board for your campaign. Hail to the Nanny!

1 comment:

  1. how is she gonna manage that with the show about her gay ex husband?! she better not spread herself too thin.
