Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pet Peeve of the Day

Today I was thinking about how many things irk me and realized, "I should share this with the world!" Ok, really it's just for me to vent and feel a teensy bit better. Welcome to the newest reoccurring post: Pet Peeve of the Day!

Today's PPotD: People who choose to either stop or have whole conversations in doorways. I'm not talking about someone coming to your office and stopping in the doorway to chat. I'm talking about people choosing the doorway connecting two relatively busy places as the perfect setting for small talk. People need to walk through there! Move!

Almost everyday it happens that I need to go someone (most likely the bathroom) and people are blocking the entrance and I get shot the "stop interrupting us" glare. Excuse me?! Excuse you! [That reminds me of a future Pet Peeve of the Day: People who try and have conversations with me in the bathroom.]

Can you choose a better place to stand next time please?

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