Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Words, Yo.

So here’s the thing: words are important. I’m really big on communication and like to believe that I’m fairly good at communicating clearly. In fact, my job depends on my ability to persuade people with my communication skills. I have to use my words and my questions to solicit information to tell a story.

A couple of things I want to point out. First, ASAP is not the same as NOW or IMMEDIATELY. People who say ASAP when they really mean “Now” really bother me. It’s like they are too weak to buck up and tell someone that whatever they need is more important. I don’t like people who are weak. There, I said it. I don’t think that makes me a bad person.

Second, there’s nothing wrong with being honest and telling someone how you feel. Granted, there are things like tact that can make the delivery more appropriate. At the same time, I tend to be a pick-your-battles kind of person. I’m not going to blurt out every feeling or opinion I have just because I have it. That's what children do.

Lastly, say what you mean and mean what you say. That's kind of tied into the first point up there but whatever. I shouldn't have to fish around trying to figure out what you really are trying to say because you don't want to say it. Be forthright with your words. I'm going to find out eventually. Just man up and say it so that we can deal with whatever needs to be dealt with and move on with life.

Maybe I just hate sissies. Hmmm, that's a thought.

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