Friday, May 6, 2011

Is it you?!

Wednesday I got an email from my mother with the subject "IS IT YOU." Now, without reading the email I figured this was just another stupid forwarded email from my mother. You know the kind. We all have that baby-boomer generation family member(s) that forwards those the-world-is-going-to-end-unless-you-forward-this-to-five-people emails that are in 16pt., multi-colored Comic Sans font. My brother and I usually delete those without reading. I opened this one just to be sure.

Here's what it said:
good morning,
there is a pic of two girls, ONE BRUNETTE AND ONE BLONDE in the HEB May Monthly Book, filled with recipes and such that looks just you—even how she is taking a pic of her and a blonde lady—IS IT YOU???

I saved this email because I just HAD to know what this girl looked like. What if she was ugly? And that's what my mother really thinks of me?!?!?! So today I finally went to HEB's website. I was so nervous. I just knew this chick was going to be busted and look nothing like me.

Okay, so she wasn't COMPLETELY off base and this chick doesn't appear to have anything growing out of her face. But really, mother? "Photos: Courtesy of Calallen High School." No, that is not me.

Plus, I would TOTALLY tell you if I was an HEB model.

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