Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trump was Trumped

In the past few weeks, we’ve seen a lot of nastiness from Donald Trump regarding our current President. I’m no fan, but I don’t question his birth certificate, or his academic abilities to get into Harvard. There has been so much back and forth, you’d think that Paris and Nicole were fighting:

You weren’t born here!

Your hair is ridiculous!

You weren’t smart enough to be in the Ivy Leagues!

You’re a sellout!

And then Sunday night, the best thing happened: Obama preempted the Celebrity Apprentice.

Now, you may think that the leader of the free world has better things to do than to fight with a dufus. (Like hunting down and killing Bin Laden...well done, by the way. It’s about time). However, according to reports, Bin Laden was killed at 2:40pm central time. Then, the White House folks started contacting Congress and other fancy folks. Then, they wanted to tell all of us. They started telling us in the crawl at the bottom of the screen around 9:30pm central time. And then, during one of the dramatic fights in the boardroom, just as Nene was really getting riled up, they switched to the news around 9:40pm. Did the President speak right then? Nope. He waited a good 30-40 minutes before his address began.

I’m not saying that he purposely preempted the Apprentice to poke at Trump. I’m not saying that he could have started the news cycle when the news actually begins at 10pm, and still would have had time to spare. I’m just saying that if he did want to poke at Trump by overshadowing his TV show, this was an excellent way to do it.

Your move Trump.


  1. Yes! Your. Move. Trump.

  2. My mom was excited about the royal wedding because (as she said): "it helped a lot of people get their minds off of all the bad in the world going on right now - the tornadoes, the war,...donald trump"

    Donald's face at the correspondent's dinner was priceless.
