Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I am not a people person

So, I have a job where I have to work with people everyday. I answer questions, I provide advice and counsel and I make a difference. And I'm really good at it. The problem is, I think I have decided that I generally don't like people. 

People are stupid. And they ask you asinine questions.  One person in particular who I will just call "annoying staffer" has a habit of emailing me a document to review then immediately calling me to get feedback. I constantly have to explain "I haven't read it yet. You just sent it. And then you called." 

Annoying staffer also gives the deadline of ASAP....and then calls every few minutes for updates. If the answer is due NOW, then I will make something up and be done with it. If you in fact want proper review and feedback from my team, it will take longer than 3 minutes. 

Oh, and when given the deadline of ASAP to say, draft a document to be submitted, maybe don't make such a request if it's midnight and you know that we are going to miss the deadline anyway. Work for work's sake is really much less fun than it used to be.

On second thought, I actually am a people person. I'm just not a stupid people person. So, if you can think of a job where I don't have to deal with those, please let me know. Someday, I am going to turn into Anna Wintour or Cruella de Vil or the mean lady from the Devil Wears Prada. And guess what, I am going to OWN it.

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