Thursday, June 23, 2011

Can't read my poker face...oh wait

So, today I uncharacteristically went to a farmer's market to pick up 20 pounds of tomatoes for a coworker. As I enter the market, some man at the front, who I assume is in charge greets me. On my way out, he's impressed that I have 20 POUNDS of tomatoes, so he asks if I am a commercial cook. Charming. Sadly, no, just helping out a friend and hoping to have her make me tomato bisque, tomato tarts, tomato sauce, tomato...something.

The patron informs me that if I like the farmer's market, I should come to the flea market this weekend.  "Okay", I reply. He says "no, it's not just crap. It's collectibles".  Well hell, if its "not just crap", I'm in. Who can resist a sales pitch like that? And, why did he feel the need to let me know it's "not just crap". I didn't snear or wrinkle my nose at all when I said "okay".  Could he just feel the judgement? Oops. I need to work on my poker face again.

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