Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Killing on AMC

AMC has a great track record on tv shows - enjoyable and critically acclaimed ones: Mad Men, Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead. Their newest show, The Killing, the newest series, was based on a Danish tv series and recreated for AMC. It follows three stories within the investigation of the Rosie Larson murder: the family's coping, the police investigation and the campaign of a politico tied to the murder. I started dvr-ing it based on AMC's track record. It is really good - a little slow (I recommend a marathon of the 13 episodes - you'll get answers fasted and probably care a little more) but has great acting. The most amazing transformation for me is from actor Joel Kinnaman. I had no idea who this guy was before the show. Here's a clip:

He plays this kinda scuzzy guy. In reality he's super hot and Swedish:

Keep reading if you want my thoughts on the finale.  And really, don't read if you are ever gonna watch (or expect coherency)!
What the crazy ass cliffhanger?! Since the very first episode I've thought it was Gwen - the councilman's assistant and lovah - and this finale episode really let me believe I was gonna be right. Then evidence trickles in tying the Councilman Richman to the murder and GWEN is the one who turns in it and gives more details pinpointing him - so at this point i STILL think it's her. The last 5 minutes boil down to this:
Linden FINALLY gets on a plane to meet her fiance
Mitch left her husband and sons
Belko is at home cleaning his gun while his crazy mom is in the tub
Linden gets a call - the photos were fake! It really wasn't a picture of Richmond in the car!
Holder gets in a car with a mystery driver and says, "The pictures worked - he's going down."!
Belko shows up to see the councilman get moved to somewhere (jailhouse?), draws his gun, gets uber close to him, pulls the gun, the councilman sees him and - screen fades to black!

People online were pissed. "How was there no resolution?" they asked. The answer is because the want another season. This was not a series finale, just a season finale. They needed something to bring you back.

So I guess i'll be watching next year. Damn you TV.

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