Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Edge of UNITY

Let me start this post by saying I think Lady Gaga is too OTT [over the top] for my taste - fashion wise - but I frequently end up with her songs stuck in my head even if upon first hearing I'm not a fan. Her videos have become more and more over the top as of late, until that is, her newest video for The Edge of Glory. Take a look:

I must say, this was not what I expected. [Side note - I thought she'd used the google commercials as inspiration]

It took me awhile to remember why this video was soooo familiar. Other than the Huxtables's/ Carrie Bradshaw's stoop, there was something about it that made me thing late 80's. Then I realized - its just an update of this:

Saxophone player - Check!
80's giant shirt with shorts (or in Gaga's case - undies) - Check!
Brownstones and railing - Check!
Leather outfit (albeit very different ones) - Check!

Latifa has much more cussing in her video, but Gaga has much more exposed body parts. Either way I like both anthems and really really hope Lady Gaga's next video inspirations comes from this.

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