Thursday, June 30, 2011

Coming This Fall...

I would imagine with us, this won't be the last post about fall TV...

I'm excited to see the new fall lineup on many stations. One of the shows I'm excited about is The New Girl on FOX. But I'm sad that the dude from Happy Endings is in it. Does that mean no more Happy Endings? (That's what Avril said.)

I am concerned that they put all of the funny parts of The New Girl into the teaser for the show.

That's always the worst when they do that. Like that movie with the little girl that just won an award for saying, "I wanna get chocolate wasted!" I'm pretty sure that was the best part of that movie, and you just showed it to us for free. Note: I have never seen that movie.


Why is it...

That Cee Lo Green dressed like this on The Voice:

Was he trying to look like a Red Bowser from Super Mario Brothers? Cause that's all I can think about.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tacky Time?

So, Time Magazine did this in "honor" of what would have been Princess Diana's 50th birthday:

They digitally imaged an estimation of what Diana would look like at 50 and photoshopped her into a photo walking with Catherine, Dutchess of Cornwall. Hmmm, I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. For one, I think I can get why they did it - it would be her 50th birthday, royal family headlines have ignited since Prince William's engagement and marriage, and many probably have wondered what the royal's life would be like if Diana was still alive. At the same time, I'm a little creeped out that they did this. When I first say it, my face immediately contorted into stink face. I feel like it's intrusive and assuming. I can't imagine that Catherine feels ok being associated with this picture and I can't imagine that Princes William and Harry feel ok about it. What are your thoughts?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Can't read my poker face...oh wait

So, today I uncharacteristically went to a farmer's market to pick up 20 pounds of tomatoes for a coworker. As I enter the market, some man at the front, who I assume is in charge greets me. On my way out, he's impressed that I have 20 POUNDS of tomatoes, so he asks if I am a commercial cook. Charming. Sadly, no, just helping out a friend and hoping to have her make me tomato bisque, tomato tarts, tomato sauce, tomato...something.

The patron informs me that if I like the farmer's market, I should come to the flea market this weekend.  "Okay", I reply. He says "no, it's not just crap. It's collectibles".  Well hell, if its "not just crap", I'm in. Who can resist a sales pitch like that? And, why did he feel the need to let me know it's "not just crap". I didn't snear or wrinkle my nose at all when I said "okay".  Could he just feel the judgement? Oops. I need to work on my poker face again.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Nanny 2.0

Since someone commented on this blog about the Nanny today, I figured I'd post an update about how she's doing. According to Perez Hilton, Fran Drescher (from TV's The Nanny), returned to television with big ratings for her new show Happily Divorced.

They said she had 4.4 million viewers. Now, I don't pretend to understand this whole ratings business, but I tend to believe the famous people when they say something received good ratings. However, having just read Bossypants, that same amount of viewers was apparently considered not-so-good ratings for 30 Rock by Ms. Tina Fey. I guess that maybe Tina, being on network TV, had different standards than Fran being on TV Land.

I had completely forgotten about Happily Divorced coming out. I'll have to check my TV listings and set my DVR to record her show.

Did anyone happen to catch it? Thoughts?

(Side note: I was watching The Nanny the other night as I drifted off to sleep and realized that her character--depending on which episode you watched--was near my age on that show. Just weird. Kind of like when I watch reruns of Beverly Hills, 90210 and realize I am severely older than them. I have the same weird feeling when I realize college football players are just kids and are dealing with all that pressure. Makes me feel old and lame. When I catch up with Frasier, then I'll shoot myself.)


SWA Pilot Rant!

Oops! Sounds like this airline pilot should have made sure his mic was off before he went on such a colorful rant. I think it's comical he was complaining that no one on his crew/flight was dateable. I'd love to get a picture of this bigoted a-hole and see what he looks like. I'm fairly confident he's not the dating-god he thinks he is. At least he wasn't drunk, right?

Why is it....

...that corn is becoming popular in dessert items?

Recently I ate at Uchiko in Austin and they have a corn dessert that I might have enjoyed had they not told me it was dessert. Then that week I saw 2 episodes of Iron Chef where 3 out of the 4 chefs created a corn dessert (flan and custards). Finally on this week's Food Network Star contestant Justin D (who is kinda adorable) made a corn basil pudding.

Can someone please explain?

The Edge of UNITY

Let me start this post by saying I think Lady Gaga is too OTT [over the top] for my taste - fashion wise - but I frequently end up with her songs stuck in my head even if upon first hearing I'm not a fan. Her videos have become more and more over the top as of late, until that is, her newest video for The Edge of Glory. Take a look:

I must say, this was not what I expected. [Side note - I thought she'd used the google commercials as inspiration]

It took me awhile to remember why this video was soooo familiar. Other than the Huxtables's/ Carrie Bradshaw's stoop, there was something about it that made me thing late 80's. Then I realized - its just an update of this:

Saxophone player - Check!
80's giant shirt with shorts (or in Gaga's case - undies) - Check!
Brownstones and railing - Check!
Leather outfit (albeit very different ones) - Check!

Latifa has much more cussing in her video, but Gaga has much more exposed body parts. Either way I like both anthems and really really hope Lady Gaga's next video inspirations comes from this.

Monday, June 20, 2011


I had this conversation with a male friend of mine today. One of his rants went a little something like this:

"There are so many guys out there. You women are just too fuckin picky. You could trip on 8 willing dicks on a [1/2-mile] walk[.] I'm sure one of them would be fit for a little while at least. A lot harder for a man these days. Especially one with no [dating] skills whatsoever anymore."

You bet your sweet ass I'm picky!

Have you seen THIS?! (Well, no you haven't lovely blogosphere of mine, but trust me. It's cute.) THIS is amazing, inside and out. I'm not going to just take whatever happens to thrust in my general direction. And besides...of my circle(s) of friends, I'm middle-of-the-road picky. There are more and less picky girls out there besides me.

Anyway, all this got me to thinking. What is it that I'm picky about? I'm beyond the age of hooking up. For the most part, I'm beyond the point of "getting" boys just for the sake of getting them. So what is it that I'm looking for? What do I want?

First of all, I'm very cautious about the "happily ever after." I'm not really sure it still exists in 2011. Part personal experience and part jaded from exposure to the world. It's going to take a lot for me to get married. I've had friends who have married and been really confident that he's "the one." I know that whatever kind of love it is that they are feeling is nothing I've ever experienced. I'm also not about wasting time with the wrong dude. I don't need to date just to date. Lastly, my ideal situation would be to be friends with a dude and that turns into a lovely relationship. I don't like seeking out strangers.

So here it is. My list.

-Has a job. Dudes like to hate all the time because chicks want the guy with the good job, the dude with ambition who can pay their telephone bills. Thanks Beyonce. Whatever. I want you to have a j-o-b. I don't care if you are the cute boy doing construction outside my office window (shout-out!) or a Wall Street banker. Just pay your own way in life.

-Doesn't live in his parents' house. An exception is made for older parents who live with him because they are ailing. I don't care if a dude rents and has a roommate or owns a house and lives alone. Just be self-sufficient.

-Hasn't done time. County, state, or federal. This is totally based on personal experience. Been there, tried that. I would say this could be flexible, but I think it's probably best for me to have this bright-line rule.

-Doesn't currently use drugs or have any desire to use them in the future. We all have a past. Maybe yours includes drugs of some sort. Fine. But not now. That's not okay with me. The sheer illegality is a huge turn-off.

-Doesn't regularly smoke cigarettes. Drunk with your buddies may be one thing. Habitual use is another. I'm just not going to get involved in that. Because then there will be all this resentment. And then when I get knocked up and you don't stop smoking, that's really going to piss me off that you choose yourself over your baby.

-Isn't butt-ugly. Cute points can be made up by funny points.

-Confident. Be who you are. Proudly.

I think one of the things boys don't realize, is that there is a whole other list. A list of characteristics or attributes that are not deal-breakers. It's more of a scaled list of what I'm more attracted to. A dude can be those things up there, but I can still not be attracted. I don't think I have to settle on a dude that's not a deal-breaker just because he's not a deal-breaker.

The dude I'm attracted to is:

-Funny. I am totally in love with David Letterman, despite him being my father's age and not-so-hot. Why? Because he has made me laugh for years.

-Protective. I like a dude that's going to look out for me physically. That is something that has to be ingrained in him as a child. You don't have to be, and in fact I prefer that you not be, the dude that gets in a fight because some tool looked at me funky. But I'm your most-prized possession and you should treat me as such.

-Manly/macho. You should not have more hair product than me. You should always be ready to take care of the cockroaches for me. You should take out the trash.

-Girthy. HAHAHA. I didn't know how else to say that. You cannot wear a shirt smaller than a large. You need to feel and look like a man.

I think this second list limits the pool of people I am willing to date and then I look for those within that have/don't have those deal-breakers.

Btw, if you think THIS is picky, invite me over for a bottle of wine and get me to list for you the FULL list. The list of things if I were building my perfect dude; it's long and complicated, but hot-damn he is perfect (for me)! While I may be demanding and picky, I am not near what I could be. And for that you should be thankful.

Amazing Super Awesome Post

I'm just demonstrating a feature. No real purpose here, except that I have this super secret amazing juicy piece of gossip.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Killing on AMC

AMC has a great track record on tv shows - enjoyable and critically acclaimed ones: Mad Men, Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead. Their newest show, The Killing, the newest series, was based on a Danish tv series and recreated for AMC. It follows three stories within the investigation of the Rosie Larson murder: the family's coping, the police investigation and the campaign of a politico tied to the murder. I started dvr-ing it based on AMC's track record. It is really good - a little slow (I recommend a marathon of the 13 episodes - you'll get answers fasted and probably care a little more) but has great acting. The most amazing transformation for me is from actor Joel Kinnaman. I had no idea who this guy was before the show. Here's a clip:

He plays this kinda scuzzy guy. In reality he's super hot and Swedish:

Keep reading if you want my thoughts on the finale.  And really, don't read if you are ever gonna watch (or expect coherency)!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why is it....

...that in a bathroom full of 15+ stalls, we are the only two people in it, and you choose the stall right next to me? If someone can answer this, please do explain. Thanks!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Boys You Should NOT Date #1--The White-SUV Driver

Really, nothing good is going to come of you dating a boy who drives a white SUV.

Exhibit A--OJ Simpson: white Ford Bronco. This is a very infamous story. If you watch the video, there's some audio of a conversation between OJ and the homicide detective trying to stop him.

Exhibit B--Unknown Scary Man: white Jeep Cherokee. In 2008, some douchebags torched the Texas Governor's Mansion. Regardless of what you think of any politician, that's not cool to target and (partially) destroy an awesomely historic building from 1854. The idiots that did this, took photos of the mansion a few days before from a white Jeep Cherokee, allegedly casing the joint. If you google it and find the videos, one of the geniuses that takes the pictures is doing so at 2am with a flash. What the hell do you think you are going to see from hundreds of feet away at 2am with a flash?!

Exhibit C--Another Unknown Scary Man: white Ford Explorer. Early in the morning on June 12, 2011, a pedestrian was shot on East 5th Street in Austin, Texas. Apparently one of the dudes in the Explorer got into an argument with the pedestrian and shot him. Now granted, that's probably a drug deal gone bad, but it's still another white SUV with a shady dude inside.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh Mr. Weiner

I have a couple of issues with today's Duh headline of the day admission that the scandalous pictures sent via twitter actually were Representative Anthony Weiner's well, wiener.

1: I don't get why anyone would want to receive a picture of someone else's genitalia. I don't see how women can get anything out of getting a picture of a man's junk. I'd be pissed if you just took it out if we were hanging out, and I'd be weirded out if I got a random text from you in the middle of the day of a close up of your stuff.

2: Really Weiner? Your last name is WEINER. You HAD to be made fun of as a child. Once you became a politician I would think you would be aware that you should not send or even take pictures of your junk. Not only do people want to catch you doing something bad, but if it involves your wiener- then that is just more fodder for headlines.

3: Why lie? You should've just said: "Yes, that's my bulge in those boxers." You could've just said you were trying to live up to your name. I'd believe you. John Stewart agrees with this.

Oh, and Blake Lively, this pretty much applies to you too.