Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Taylor Momsen Has A Beer Gut

Really, The Superficial?! Really?! A beer gut?! Really?!

I was tooling around on the internet to avoid work this morning, like you do, and stumbled across this story about Taylor Momsen having a beer gut. As a lover of all things Gossip Girl (yes, even non Gossip Girl related stories about Little J), I clicked away.

THIS GIRL DOES NOT HAVE A BEER GUT!!! Of course the opening picture used for the 30-photo "beer gut" slideshow is a snapshot of her slouched and leaning to the side that was taken while she was likely dancing around like a rockstar.

Look at her here, at the same concert standing up straight. Does this look like beer gut? NO!

Seriously people?! She's 17! She's still a child. I cannot even pull together words to tell you how ridiculous I think this is. Now, tens of thousands of girls (give or take a few) who are perfectly fine are going to FREAK OUT because they too have an I'm-still-a-child-and-have-a-tiny-amount-of-fat-in-places-that-even-grown-ass-women-struggle-to-lose "beer gut."

For the record, THIS is a beer gut.


  1. there are many more things i would criticize about her before calling her out on having a beer gut. That girl doesn't wear pants and she used all the black eyeliner in the MAC store at her local mall.

  2. this is a beer belly: http://www.pbkblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Beer-Belly.jpg
